Okay, folks, I just got off the metaphorical phone with Barb from P.D. Publishing, and I gots an update with you. Literally, just off the phone. Had it been an actual phone, the receiver would still be warm. Gemini is still running just a touch behind schedule, but World on Fire is right on track. What with the holidays coming up, and awards season beginning in January, P.D. decided to wait to release Gemini in January of ’09. World on Fire, on the other hand, is going along swimmingly, and should be out in March, or very soon after that.

So, after a year of being very, very patient (and thank you all for your patience) you will be getting two releases from me in the first half of 2009! Hopefully Tilting at Windmills will be just as speedy and get moved up, too. I just can’t wait to get Claire Lance out into the world. <g>

So save your Christmas money! Start saving pennies. Because I’m counting on all of you ~points finger Uncle-Sam-wise~ to buy my books! Not for me. Do it for the economy. Spend a little money and that economy will bulk right up. And if not, well, hey, you have a nice couple of books to read in the soup line. <g>