Well, tomorrow starts the… tens? Whatever.

I have not been updating this blog anywhere near enough. I’ll try to be better in the new year! I completed the fourth Claire Lance novel for NaNo, and now I have the fifth and final novel to complete. I’ll be sad to say goodbye to her, but it’s time for her to see the end of her road. However that might happen. Stay tuned. 😉

My hopes for 2010: More novels purchased – I have two or three either with the bosses or almost ready to send to them. Hopefully that will bulk up my number of contracted titles. ~fingers crossed~ And more original stories! I have been neglecting my ladies. But I have big plans for them, one and all. Riley Parra, in particular, has big things ahead of her in 2010!

Sorry for being so quiet! Thank you to everyone who has stuck with me through the silences. I am still here, and I still very appreciate your loyalty to my writing and my characters.

Happy new year! Good riddance to the oh-ohs and 2009. Maybe now our celebrities will stop dying.