One of the first shows I was ever a huge fan of was Star Trek TNG. There was a guest star in one episode, a young woman played by Liz Vassey who had been hurt in a Holodeck accident. Then I was a fan of Wings. Liz showed up there, too. And in Quantum Leap, Early Edition, CSI, Castle. Even shows that critics foolishly ignored like Maximum Bob, The Tick, or Push Nevada (Push would totally have been a huge hit in the Internet age, BTW). She’s like the Stan Lee cameo of shows I thought were great. She’s Nikki in Nikki & Nora! She’s Fury Leika in Dr Horrible!


This woman I’ve been a fan of almost as long as I’ve been a fan of television is going to bring to life one of my characters, and I’m just completely over the moon freaking out about it. I knew when we got Marem we ran the risk of Gillian not being quite amazing enough to match her, but I can let go of that fear.

I always wondered what it would be like to see one of my couples brought to life. So far the Riley Parra casting exceeds even my wildest imaginings. And this brings me closer to becoming Joss Whedon, who also had a webseries featuring Liz. But I made her a main character AND gave her lines. Suck it, Joss! 😉

We’re 83% funded but there’s still time to help out!

Marem Hassler Liz Vassey Maeve Quinlan Karl E Lander

Marem Hassler
Liz Vassey
Maeve Quinlan
Karl E Lander