Contest Over! And the Winners Are…
Apr 1
The Radiation Canary Cover contest has come to a close! And the winners, in no particular order, are…!
Julia P. Lynde
Janice Dianne Jewell
Kristin O’Neall
Congratulations! To collect your prize, just leave a comment here or drop me an email to let me know how to get your prize to you. It’s shiny, it’s 8×10, it’s the Radiation Canary autographed cover! Thank you all for your wonderful reviews, especially the two I got on Radiation Canary itself. So happy to see that people like it as much as I do.
And there’s no contest to go along with it, because the release is an event in and of itself… the third novel in the Claire Lance series is available TOMORROW at some point (Amazon’s been a little tetchy in making stuff available, so if you can’t find it just give it a few hours and search again). It IS available RIGHT NOW at Smashwords if you want to get a copy for your Nook, Kobo, or other sundry devices. This is the big tipping point of the Lance series, folks. Lance has some big decisions to make!