Contest Winners!
Apr 20
The first official Tourist of the Day contest has now ended! Thanks to everyone who entered, and thanks a lot for making it a really tough contest. <g> But it is now time to announce the winners! First place – and the title of Geonn Cannon’s First Official Tourist of the Day – goes to Kendall Evans, who will soon be receiving a signed copy of Gemini for her awesome thoughts on the lovely, shy, awkward Kira McManus (I’ll hopefully get it out by tomorrow!). Congratulations, and I hope you enjoy the book!
Second place goes to Rachel Cockman, who blows me away every time I talk with her, and her entry about Nick Bronwyn was no different. She will receive an alternate prize, since she already has a copy of both On the Air and Gemini. Talk about dedicated! <g>
Third place belongs to Bethany Williams, who is going to get a signed copy of On the Air for her thoughts about the proprietor of Coffee Table Books, Amy Wellis! Her book is in the mail to her right now, so hopefully she’ll get it very soon!
Once again, thanks to everyone who entered! You totally made my day. And that’s what the Tourist of the Day contest is all about. <g> I hope you all enjoy your books and find a slew of great new characters to enjoy. 😀