Please Excuse Our Mess…

Just a head’s up for all the faithful readers of my blog (you guys are out there, right…? <g>). It’s going to be going away for a little while so my website can be redesigned and made better…stronger…faster. All that jazz. But it has to be taken offline for the changes to be made. Don’t fret, there will be a mirror site (thanks to my lovely best friend!) for the actual content, but the blog can’t be mirrored because [insert technobabble here]. Just because.

The downtime will be near the end of this month, around the 28th or so. It’ll be back up sometime in the first week of September. So, you know, not a huge downtime, but long enough that people might panic without the warning. So here it is! The blog will be incommunicado for a week. Don’t panic! I’ve gone weeks and weeks without posting before (as I’m sure you’ve noticed. :D). It’s just best to do this now before Halloween and Thanksgiving and NaNo and all those crazy holidays that inspire writing.