Riley Parra Season 1 end, Season 2…
Aug 15
Today, the final story in the “first season” of Riley Parra stories went up. The response to this series has been unbelievable, so of course there is going to be a second season. I’m not sure when exactly it will be starting up, so watch this space for details. <g> I’ll also be updating the Academy of Bards to let people know when it’s up and running.
Thanks to Morgan for doing all the work getting the stories up, eirian for the awesome artwork that fronted each story, Ethan Eddy and John O’Connor for using their in-depth and all-inclusive critical eye on each and every story. Thanks to everyone who sent feedback, especially Hermes for going all-out with feedback for each story. It was very much appreciated.
Thanks to all of you who made all the hard work worthwhile. I hope I’ll see you all back for Season 2!
Josh Ritter music used in the headers of each story are as follows…
“Wings” from the album Hello, Starling
“Harrisburg,” from the album Golden Age of Radio
“Lawrence, KS,” from the album Golden Age of Radio
“Girl in the War,” from the album The Animal Years
“To the Dogs or Whoever,” from the album The Historical Conquests of Josh Ritter
“Thin Blue Flame,” from the album The Animal Years
“Who by Fire,” by Leonard Cohen, from the album New Skin for the Old Ceremony
Check ’em out. You may be pleasantly surprised. <g>
As for me, I’m going to spend some time focusing on other stories and characters, including hopefully getting back to my home on Squire’s Isle. Hopefully you guys have missed it as much as I have! I have a Halloween story all planned, and some other surprises I’m going to try and slip in before I get started on Riley. My thoughts right now, as of this moment, are to expect new Riley stories sometime near the end of this year or the beginning of next. Stay tuned, and thank you all so much for your support and for enjoying these stories. And unlike some people, beating down the doors and demanding more stories might actually get me to work faster. I hate a deadline. <g>