Riley Parra Season 4 News!
Sep 14
The stories that have been lingering on my hard drive for way, way too long have now been polished and the first editors have pointed out idiotic mistakes and left-out words, and now all twelve (one is double-length) stories that make up the season are ready to go.
I went back and forth about the regular schedule of these stories. As long as it’s taken for me to finally get the stories revised and ready means that my cover artist wasn’t able to start on the artwork and the schedule was starting to look very, very long. So I finally decided that rather than going through the subscription process, I would skip that and just go straight to the ebook release. Hopefully this means everyone can get their hands on the season much earlier (and cheaper!) than they would have otherwise.
There’s loads of action in this season of Riley Parra… bloodshed, gore, nightmares, possessed friends, loved ones dying, old characters coming back and new characters making their first appearances.
No spoilers, but you might want to have a hanky nearby when you read 4×05. Just saying.
So hopefully the wait shouldn’t be much longer. You have all been patient enough!
Keep your eyes peeled for more from Supposed Crimes! I have a steampunk novel called Railroad Spine on the way, as well as a novel about a fictional rock band I’ve fallen in love with called The Rise and Fall of Radiation Canary. And, of course, there will be more Underdogs stories. I’m not finished with Ari and Dale yet! Be sure to pick up Wolf at the Door so you’re up to speed for Underdogs 2!